Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 18, 2012
For our last day in Ireland I thought it would be fun to go to a horse show.  I thought it was fun but it was very popular and very crowded and Tony hates crowds so it wasn't that great for him but it was neat to see the horses jump over these obastacles.  We also watched a Western Horse exhibition and it was really good.  Cowboys are sexier than English riders.

This is one of the fancy horse motor homes at the show.  These people have got to have some cash.

These are some of the obstacles the horses jumped over.

Later this same day we were just walking around Dublin doing some last minute souvenir shopping and we came across a theater that was doing Riverdance and it was going to start in 15 minutes.  Tony asked me if I wanted to go and I said I would love it but we don't have to, because I knew he would hate it.  He went in and bought two tickets.  It was awesome and I am so glad we got to go.  I had been in a bad mood all day because I was tired and ready to be home but Riverdance cheered me right up.  I loved it!!  It was a highlight of the trip for me.  Tony didn't understand why I loved it so much but I am so glad he suffered through it just to make me happy.  I would have never dreamed in a million years that I would get to see Riverdance performed in Ireland.  I have seen and done so many things that I never thought in my life time I would see or do.  Thanks to a hardworking, loving husband and many blessings from Heavenly Father, I have seen and done even more than I ever dreamed of.

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